Mauro Morales

software developer

Tag: Kairos

  • A New Dawn for Secure Linux in Untrusted Environments

    Linux has become the default operating system for running web applications. However, like any system connected to the internet, it is exposed to remote attacks. While public cloud environments and private datacenters offer some security from physical tampering, edge computing presents unique challenges.

    For this article, an edge device refers to a headless computer system (without direct human interface) deployed in remote locations like coffee shops, gas stations, or warehouses.

    The Security Challenge at the Edge

    Contrary to popular belief, Linux systems lack certain critical security features found in Windows (Trusted Boot) and macOS (Startup Security). While Linux supports Secure Boot and full-disk encryption, these measures alone are insufficient for edge environments where devices are physically accessible to untrusted parties.

    The primary security goals for edge devices are:

    1. Preventing unauthorized access to data if the device is stolen.
    2. Ensuring the device does not boot if tampered with.

    Protecting Your Data with Encryption

    Encrypting the disk keeps your data safe when the device is powered off, addressing the first security goal. However, this protection is compromised if the device is tampered with, leading us to the second goal.

    Protecting Your Device from Tampering

    Understanding the Linux boot process is crucial for securing a device against tampering. Upon powering on, a modern computer runs the UEFI firmware, which hands control to a bootloader. The bootloader initiates the operating system, which then decrypts your data and starts your application.

    Secure Boot helps secure the initial stage by only allowing execution of digitally signed bootloaders. However, the problem lies in the next stage: most Linux distributions’ bootloaders do not verify the signatures of the Kernel or Initrd, nor do they measure the integrity of these components. This oversight allows potential tampering to go unnoticed.

    Measuring for Integrity

    Measuring involves calculating a hash for artifacts like the Linux Kernel. Any change in these artifacts alters the hash. Utilizing Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chips, we can establish a validation system that only proceeds with booting if the measurements match the expected values.

    Unified System Image (USI)

    One effective solution is creating a Unified System Image (USI). This combines the Kernel, cmdline parameters, and Initrd into a single, immutable image. By measuring this single image, we ensure the integrity of the entire system. There’s no need to encrypt this image since it contains no sensitive data, which resides in the encrypted area. The system configuration and valuable data remain secure, and the image is mounted read-only to prevent changes.

    For more detailed information on this process, refer to the UAPI Group’s page and Lennart Poettering’s article, “Brave New Trusted Boot World.”

    Kairos: Simplifying Trusted Boot

    Implementing a USI with Trusted Boot can be complex. Kairos aims to simplify this process. Visit our Trusted Boot Installation instructions to try it out, or delve into the Trusted Boot Architecture documentation for a deeper understanding of how Kairos enhances security in untrusted environments.

  • Added ARM/RPI support for Ubuntu on Kairos

    Work this week came with a few challenges, but with enough patience and some help I was able to get the Ubuntu flavor for Kairos working on the Raspberry Pi.

    Feedback loops when working on ARM are very slow because I’m cross compiling and because I have to burn the images on the SD cards. Switching contexts between tickets is not easy, but it’s also ok for working on chores, learning other things or playing with new technologies. I was mostly playing with ChatGPT, Copilot and LocalAI which was a lot of fun.

    Most of the lost time was because of a misconfiguration of the serial console. The issue was caused by some files which were not copied in the right directory, but it was not so obvious and without video it was very tricky to debug. Thankfully, after looking into some errors in dmesg and a recommendation from a colleague, I was able to sort it out. Reminder that it’s always good to review one’s own code and to get away from the code occasionally and look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

  • It’s Kairos Time

    I’m excited to announce that I joined Spectro Cloud. I’ll be part of the team building Kairos, the immutable Linux meta-distribution for edge Kubernetes.

    Ok, a lot to unpack there, and I’m still very new to it, so I have numerous questions myself, but for my own sake, I will unwrap it:

    • Immutable Linux: there are some parts of the file system in the OS that are read-only. This means that if you want to add a package, or make some configuration change, you need to build a new image of the OS with the given changes. This is good for two reasons, on the one hand, it reduces the attack surface and, on the other, it helps to roll back to a specific version of the OS.
    • Meta-distribution: you can pick the flavor of the base Linux distribution on which Kairos is built. For what I can tell, openSUSE, Ubuntu and Alpine are already available, but others could follow up.
    • Edge computing: systems nowadays are being centralized in datacenters. While this can be beneficial in some cases, it can also be unpractical for others. When you have a system, running as far away from the datacenter, then you’re running at the edge of the network. For example, a computer in a parking lot, taking pictures of car plates and calculating the amount they need to be charged.
    • Kubernetes: it’s a platform to deploy applications. It was started by Google and became quite popular. It’s now part of the CNCF.

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a Linux enthusiast, so I’m very much looking forward to this experience.