Mauro Morales

software developer

Added ARM/RPI support for Ubuntu on Kairos

Work this week came with a few challenges, but with enough patience and some help I was able to get the Ubuntu flavor for Kairos working on the Raspberry Pi.

Feedback loops when working on ARM are very slow because I’m cross compiling and because I have to burn the images on the SD cards. Switching contexts between tickets is not easy, but it’s also ok for working on chores, learning other things or playing with new technologies. I was mostly playing with ChatGPT, Copilot and LocalAI which was a lot of fun.

Most of the lost time was because of a misconfiguration of the serial console. The issue was caused by some files which were not copied in the right directory, but it was not so obvious and without video it was very tricky to debug. Thankfully, after looking into some errors in dmesg and a recommendation from a colleague, I was able to sort it out. Reminder that it’s always good to review one’s own code and to get away from the code occasionally and look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

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