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Application Development

Deploying a Go Microservice in Kubernetes
·1427 words·7 mins
Application Development

Most of my experience with web applications is with monoliths deployed to a PaaS or using configuration management tools to traditional servers. Last week, I submerged myself in a different paradigm, the one of microservices. In this post, I’m going to share what I learned by deploying a Go application on top of Kubernetes.

Rails Routing: Advanced Constraints for User Authentication without Devise
·431 words·3 mins
Application Development

Many times we mount engines and restrict access to admin users via Devise. In this post, I’ll show you how to do the same when using a different authentication mechanism.

JSON Data Type
·450 words·3 mins
Application Development

Whenever we save data from one of our Rails models, each attribute is mapped one to one to a field in the database. These fields are generally of a simple type, like a string or an integer. However, it’s also possible to save an entire data object in JSON format in a field. Let’s see an example of how to do this from a Ruby on Rails application.

ActiveRecord Except
·375 words·2 mins
Application Development

August 19 was Whyday, and to commemorate it, I decided to write a gem called activerecord-except.