Mauro Morales

software developer


  • Dockerizing Your Infrastructure With Machinery

    Containers are the future, but many of our systems are still running on traditional servers. Machinery can help you convert a system to Docker containers. LinuxCon Europe 2015 in Dublin, Ireland

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  • Machinery – A System Management Toolkit for Linux

    What is a system management toolkit? And how can it help you? Delivered at LinuxDays 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic

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  • Running openSUSE 13.2 on Linode

    Linode is one of my favorite VPS providers out there. One of the reasons why I like them is because they make it extremely easy to run openSUSE. This post is a quick tutorial on how to get you started. The first time you log in you will be presented with the different Linode plans.…

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  • Getting Started With Continuous Delivery

    More and more companies are requiring developers to understand Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery but starting to implement it in your projects can be a bit overwhelming. Start with a simple website and soon enough you will feel more confident to do with more complex projects. THE RIGHT MINDSET TDD/BDD, CI/CD, XP, Agile, Scrum ….…

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  • Installing SQL Developer on Ubuntu 9.04

    One of the mayor reasons why I still use my Windows box is because I havent found a subtitute for TOAD. I know I could make it work some how using wine but I just didn’t feel like it. Since Oracle is so Linux supportive I looked for something on their website and for my…

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