Mauro Morales

software developer


  • Vortex Core Mechanical Keyboard Review

    I got myself a new keyboard for my birthday, the Vortex Core. I wanted a mechanical keyboard that I could take everywhere with me. Being a 40% keyboard, I expected it to over deliver on the portable side, what I didn’t expect, is that I’d enjoy using this tiny keyboard so much, even for extended periods…

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  • Running a Patched Ruby on Heroku

    You use a PaaS because you want all the underlying infrastructure and configuration of your application to be hidden from you. However, there are times when you are forced to look deeper into the stack. In this article I want to share how simple it is to run a patched version of Ruby on Heroku.…

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  • Ruby’s DATA Stream

    The STDIN and ARGF streams are commonly used in Ruby, however there’s also the less popular DATA one. This is how it works and some examples in the wild. HOW TO READ FROM DATA? Like with any other stream you can use gets and readlines. This behaviour is defined by the IO class. However there’s a caveat, your script needs to have a data section. To…

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  • Numbered Parameters in Ruby 2.7

    A new feature called “numbered parameters” will see the light of day in the Ruby 2.7 release at the end of the year. What caught my attention was not the feature itself but the mixed reception it got from the community. BLOCK PARAMETERS Whenever you open a block you have the chance to pass a…

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  • A Guided Tour of Machinery

    A detailed description of how to use Machinery to inspect a Linux server and re-generate it at openSUSE Conference 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany

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