Mauro Morales

software developer


  • Epomaker Tide75 Keyboard Review

    You know that feeling when you are trying not to buy new mechanical keyboards and still one manages to find its way to your desk? Well, that’s precisely how I felt last week when a package from Epomaker arrived! For about a fortnight, I’ve been putting the Tide75 to the test, let me tell you…

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  • A New Dawn for Secure Linux in Untrusted Environments

    Linux has become the default operating system for running web applications. However, like any system connected to the internet, it is exposed to remote attacks. While public cloud environments and private datacenters offer some security from physical tampering, edge computing presents unique challenges. For this article, an edge device refers to a headless computer system…

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  • KubeCon Europe 2024

    I recently attended my first KubeCon and wrote a recap on Spectro Cloud’s blog: KubeCon Paris: edge, AI and la vie en cloud native. At KubeCon, I had the chance to be a panelist talking about special-purpose operating systems and wrote some notes on Kairos’ blog: SPOS Panel at KubeCon Paris 2024.

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  • Special Purpose Operating Systems: The Next Step in OS Evolution or One-Trick Ponies?

    A panel about special purpose operating systems during KubeCon EU 2024 in Paris, France

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  • Rethinking some common deployment strategies

    Talk to encourage putting some critical eyes to some of the different deployment strategies and team habits, encouraging the audience to evaluate where they can optimize their existing systems and methods. Delivered at meetup in Ghent, Belgium

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